Cs up

Cs up
reppin the bridge far and wide.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Zombie Time

My short time in Tunisia was great. What made it so awesome was the my friend Amine had allll the hook ups. Arab culture is all about who you know and felt good to finally be someone in the know!

On my second night there I got to go to a belly dance show/dinner. I was moderately horrified. I felt like I was in a strip club. Probably didnt help that the table across from me was filled with african business men who really enjoyed the show. When they ran out of film on their camcorders and space on their cameras they whipped out their cell phones to take videos and pictures. I am sure they have some great ones of me in the background with some priceless expressions. Maybe it is from being covered up for the past two months but it just felt so harram! i guess it is culture but still....old men oggling young, half naked women felt very uncomfortable to me.

I also got the chance to go see the second largest colosseum in the world (to rome) and the Great Mosque, the third most islamic holy site (to mecca and medina). I had no idea there was so much history in Tunisia, I thought it was a litte po-dunk country at the top of Africa! Also did you know Star Wars was filmed here?!?! Tatouine actually exists, it is a city in Tunisia!

It was also great to spend time with Amine. Even though he was busy a lot organizing the conference he was there for I was happy for what time we had.

Currently I am sitting in a cafe in Tunis waiting to go to the airport for my flight. I have internet, turkish coffee, and I believe I can fly is playing, what more could i ask for? I actually have an interesting 24 hours ahead of me. My flight leaves Tunis at 10 35 pm. I get into Cairo and then have a 6 hour lay over and then get to Amman at 10 35 am the next mornign. I am anticipating that I will go straight to the University because I have class at 2 and also have to take a make up midterm at some point. Theoretically I will have lots of time to study on the plane and I actually think I will because it is unlikely I will sleep. I just hope my studying outweights my lack of sleep! I then will go and pick up my dad at the airport : )

So there is no rest in my future but I guess I can sleep when I am dead. I have actually never been a fan of that expression, I hate not sleeping. We'll see how it goes! Until later!

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