Cs up

Cs up
reppin the bridge far and wide.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Light Dusting

I think it is because I am really beginning to feel how close I am to leaving but the last few weeks I feel my arabic has made leaps and bounds. I am pretty sure I am just sad about leaving and therefore feeling more connected and a part of jordan (and it a part of me) as each day goes on, I am really going to miss it here.

Tomorrow is Laith, my host nephew's, birthday! He is turning 9 : ) Jackie and I are going to make a cake for a hafla (party) the family is having on thursday. I think my house in the states is going to feel so boring compared to here! Well, I guess I have the whole family at christmas to transition from the arab life style back to american but its sure will feel quiet for a while. I have gotten used to returning home to seeing at least 5+ faces staring at me as soon as I walk through the door. Matthew and I will certainly have lots of bonding time (heh heh heh).

I have been running around downtown getting christmas presents, studying for my finals, and getting out with my friends before we are scattered about the states. Actually a friend from high school (and even as far back as king open!) came to Jordan this past week and I had a great time showing her some chill spots in Amman.

Also earlier this week Tala, Laith, Amal and I went to the grand opening of a mall because Maher
works for the company who owned the mall. He had made a video that was playing on the electronics floor and written up all of the printers price tag cards. His were by far the best, all the information, a little color, proper english, it had everything. It was a nice affair with a red carpet tent, fireworks, music, so it was a good night.

We are having some pretty crazy weather right now. Not only rain but it might even snow!! We will see, I really want it to snow just so i can take a picture and prove it to people in the US (this is not to be cofused with positive feelings for snow, i do not miss it in the slightest. But alas, I am sure i will get my fill when I get back to the US). I will leave you with todays weather icons i saw when i logged onto weather.com at 9 am and 3 p today:

It sure is getting cold!!

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